When I started John Rolfe Auctions we were having small sales and postage was easy. Now as things are growing we simply can not keep up with the in house postage. We are currently short staffed and do not have the man power to provide this service for now.

I'm truly sorry.


We have struck a deal with Auction legend 'BIG' Jim Southgate, who will camp at our saleroom for the weeks after the auction to get your stuff to you, he's a top top bloke and has been posting things nationally and internationally for over 30 years.


The link is on his Clock website www.vintageclocks.uk/clock-and-watch-fair/



For larger items we recommend:

Stephen Hartley - 07714591287 for local deliveries, he covers Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset

Lenspeed Logistics - 07834 320015 / lennylenspeed@gmail.com For EVERYWHERE ELSE. Len is a total auction legend and the hardest grafter in the game one day he's in Cornwall the next Scotland!

If you are bidding on furniture from Europe... France, Spain, Germany etc 

Ian Ritchie @ The Courier Hub

07920 454074  ianritchie12@outlook.com